The Cubic System Of Minerals
Do you need to think straight, act purposefully, and take into consideration the future consequences of your momentary decisions? Are you overwhelmed by emotion and find it difficult to think? When bombarded by information, challenges, and relationships do you want to hide? You may need the direction, focus, discipline and anchoring energies of the square. The cubic system of minerals contain a square structure within the molecular bonding of these stones. Correlated to the cube of the Platonic Solids, the square energy connects you to the element of earth, and helps you to anchor into your body so that you embrace your life. When held in your hand, placed in your home or office, or even carried in a pocket these cubic crystals will help you to organize your life by providing pathways through which you can be successful in your interactions, activities, and insights.
They slow you down enough to devise plans of action that can consistently move energy through your businesses, your families and your lifestyles. Stability leads to success and these stones, being dependable and trustworthy, help you to establish these qualities in your own life.
There are two reasons that you can feel the pull of a cubic mineral into your life. If you are drawn to garnet and fluorite, you are welcoming the benefits of the cubic personality into your life for stability and success. But you may also be drawn to lapis lazuli and lazurite because your cubic personality is asking for more assistance from these minerals to explore multi-dimensional realities that can make your life and the lives of those you love better. Because these mineral systems outline specific ways of processing electromagnetic energies, they help us to define the specific groups of behaviors, thought patterns, types of beliefs, and connection to memories which coalesce into certain personality styles. Let’s look at how a cubic personality approaches and experiences life.
The Cubic Personality

The cube transmits the element of Earth.
Spock from Star Trek is an excellent example of the cubic personality that is highly logical and lacking spontaneity. Extremely dependable, these individuals find comfort in structure and routine. They are faithful, loyal, and safe companions who are trusted and respected. The minerals of the cubic system are comforting to those with this personality structure because they support the focus and direction of these individuals. They appreciate feeling the order, harmony, and peace these stones radiate because they are actively creating harmony and peace in their own lives. These stones are like trusted companions to those who live the cubic personality style. Capable of connecting to larger spiritual realities, these individuals can comprehend the consequences of beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to promote lasting success. They can be powerful contributors to the evolution of fifth dimensional lifestyles on the Earth because of their ability to grasp multi-dimensional information and technology and work to make these accessible and beneficial to humanity.
Every character structure has its strengths and weaknesses. In the case of the cubic personality, their reliance upon structure and routine can create rigidity in thought and controlling behaviors. People with cubic personalities need to dig deep into their emotional life to connect to the spiritual energy that they recognize and can comprehend to flow with and into life. These cubic minerals awaken intuition, support fluidity in thought and feeling, and encourage playfulness. Spock did explore his human emotions and became a true friend to Captain Kirk. Although the cube of the platonic solids transmits the earth element, our planet is round and it knows how to play in our solar system. The minerals of the cubic system promote spontaneity, embrace flexibility, and honor emotion. They encourage these individuals to enjoy a truly wonderful life in which they are appreciated, loved and fulfilled by the harmony that they collaboratively create. You will often find that teachers and public policy developers incarnate as cubic personalities.
The Cubic System of Minerals Includes:
- Garnet
- Pyrite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Sodalite
- Gold
- Copper
- Silver
- Flourite
- Lazurite
- Hauyne
- Magnetite
- Cuprite
- Halite
- Diamond
Ray Five – Soul Education – The color is Orange
Individuals with cubic personalities are great teachers because they are open to new information and ideas. They have the intellectual and organizational ability to present these expansive concepts and information to make them accessible to the public. The fifth Ray qualities of scientific development, truth, and healing support the emergence of an enlightened civilization of peace and those with cubic personalities can effectively create the new frameworks necessary for global peace. Ascended Master Hilarion, who previously incarnated as St. Paul, took the messages of Jesus the Christ out into the world. He wrote many of the epistles of the New Testament, which were his letters of instruction and support to the emerging and persecuted Christian communities of the early church. Call upon him to make sense out of overwhelming information and experiences.
Archangel Raphael offers his support to those developing new clean technologies, and presenting enlightened philosophies that promote fifth dimensional living. The Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, as builders of the universe, can help you design your life to be of the greatest service, while also being personally fulfilling. There are wonderful universities in the star system of Sirius that provide the multi-dimensional education necessary for humanity to consciously ascend as a civilization. Through your Soul awareness you can ask to take an ascension class during meditation. You may well return inspired and open to understanding the situations in your life with greater insight and gratitude.
Ray Four – Harmony through Conflict – The color is Green.
If we look at the ability to create order out of chaos as a primary gift of the cubic personality, we will naturally be drawn to the ray of the divinity that transmits the ability to achieve harmony through conflict. This aspect of the personality of the Creator includes the qualities of harmony, order, intuition, and beauty. This fourth Ray influences the way humanity experiences life on Earth because it supports us in learning through our challenges, to find a way to peace. In particular the fourth ray supports the development of the art of living, so that life can be experienced as beautiful, not difficult or always challenging. The Ascended Master Paul the Venetian, was a master painter in the Italian Renaissance. He used art as a means to enlightenment in the midst of the Spanish Inquisition. He was known for creating a method for pigment preparation that maintained the vibrancy of color. Call upon him to develop beauty in your life, even in the midst of dark dramas and inconceivable difficulties.
Because of the harmonizing quality of this ray, peace is attained by building social structures and relationships that support fluid, generous, and respectful communities. This ray awakens intuition so that you can understand how what is happening in your life is related to a larger divine plan. Then you can relax into your experiences, trusting that you are being cared for and positively contributing to your family and community.
Ray 14 – Evolutionary Research and Development – Colors of the Rainbow

Planet Earth in Space
This ray facilitates the ability to break down multi-dimensional information and experiences so that humanity can safety understand and utilize these higher dimensional technologies and creative paradigms. The insight and comprehension of multi-dimensional experiences provide expansive frameworks for humanity’s evolution out of fear and into unconditional loving. This is an active ray that utilizes higher dimensional thought patterns to initiate the choices that create fifth-dimensional lifestyles on the Earth. Commander Ashtar of the Ashtar Command supports the evolution of humanity into our soul-embodiment and is already infusing this civilization with the soul-empowerment necessary to achieve peace. You can request his help when you are searching for how to make enlightened decisions that benevolently serve you and all else on the planet. He also intervenes when humanity’s fear leads us to the brink of disaster so that we do not self-destruct. Welcome Commander Ashtar’s guidance on your evolutionary journey and be open to feeling the presence of an Ashtar Command ship in areas of great conflict and unrest.
Archangel Haniel and Archangel Raguel support those researching evolutionary developmental procedures. Theirs is a fascinating opportunity to be present to the birth of civilizations and the constant refinement of life evolving. On Earth, the presence of Archangel Haniel can precede changes in governmental and educational policies that make way for a more just and joyful civilization. Welcome his presence into your life when change is necessary. Archangel Raguel is a great radiator of harmony and justice. He supports fairness and kind justice that upholds and redeems. As evolution proceeds change is often challenging and Archangel Raguel infuses the energy necessary to gracefully flow out of chaos and into harmony. Enjoy the gifts of these honorable and loving archangels on your own evolutionary adventure.