December/January Energies
Priceless Treasure
There is no way to lie about your existence because you are alive. You can deny, default to another, and negate the importance of your presence, but nevertheless, you exist. Accountability also cannot be escaped. What you do with who you are can be replete with deception or overflowing with honesty. Each has its own consequence that predicts the future, individually and collectively. Every life impacts another. Even if you live alone and have never had a family, the lack of your presence can be as much of a problem as the overwhelming presence of members of large families.
You were created to rely upon and enjoy each other, to value caretaking because of the joy it provides. Connecting, creating, and collaborating on a common vision can be invigorating, inspiring, and deeply satisfying. Living a meaningful life is born out of recognizing that your life and the lives of all are valuable, not disposable. The days ahead will test your accountability to yourself, the ones you love, and the world you live in. We request that you take yourselves seriously and welcome the guidance of your souls. Your souls have been waiting for you to treasure the lives you have been offered by living as if you and all around you are priceless.
December/January Stones
Minerals that support and deepen self-confidence and self-esteem
Taking care of yourself is a spiritual act. It honors your creation and the multi-dimensional beings who invisibly care for you. The minerals that guide you into 2025 encourage you to take yourself seriously, consider your options, and choose fulfillment over anything else. These stones help you to toughen up the parts that need to step up to the plate and soften the parts that need to learn to step away. From the softer stones to the harder crystals, they offer patience when required and motivation when necessary. These stones are great examples of silicon life forms who fearlessly understand their purpose, commit to service, and enjoy their accomplishments. As we move into a new year they can help you do the same. Confidence is earned through practice and self-esteem is built upon repetitive successes. In 2025 these stones can help you expand your effectiveness while dissolving your defensiveness. Anything can happen when love replaces fear and accountability creates a pathway to evolutionary expansion. The world needs to know who you are willing to become. What a great gift that would be to yourself and people you haven’t yet met this holy season.
The energies that end the old and begin the new require an active commitment to personal development. Carry a few of these stones in your pockets to help you consciously choose to be present, even when it is hard. Place them in purses, backpacks, and briefcases to remind you that confidence is something you build, just like muscle mass. Put them in your vehicles to make sure you are showing up and not running away. On desks and in offices they will radiate empowerment and enthusiasm, supporting personal and collective gains. However you choose to make these minerals a part of your life, you will be glad to have these champions at your side.
Here are the minerals for December/January:
Phantom Quartz, Amphibole Quartz, Morganite, Phenacite, Aquamarine, Heliodor, Labradorite, Rainbow Moonstone, Boulder Opal, Red Jasper, Yellow Jasper, Polychrome Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Troellite, Citrine, Sodalite, Hemimorphite, Goethite, Astrophyllite, Moss Agate, Carnelian
Healing the Heart of the Earth: A Sacred Experience in England and Scotland in 2025
The world needs a powerful infusion of love to heal its broken heart. Will you offer your strength, comfort, and nurturing to the planet that you call home? This is a deep and intense spiritual journey born of the needs of the world to be recognized, honored, and embraced with the passion for enhancing life that offsets the profound destruction occurring around the Earth.
Working collaboratively with the 12 Ascension Energies, their dragons, Angelics, and extraterrestrial assistants, and the Cosmic Light Collective, we will attend to the energies beating at the heart chakra of the planet in Glastonbury, England and throughout the island. The powerful sacred sites upon which we will collaborate provide access to and support significant healing for the kingdoms of nature and the elements that we depend on for life. Our multi-dimensional presence during the Summer Solstice deepens access to healing, integration, and evolutionary awakening. Our journey includes:
Day 1 – June 16th: Salisbury Cathedral and grounds
Day 2 – June 17th: Old Sarem
Day 3 – June 18th: Glastonbury Tor
Day 4 – June 19th: Glastonbury and flight to the Orkney Islands in Scotland
Day 5 – June 20th: Ring of Brodnar
Day 6 – June 21st: Brough of Birsay and St. Peter’s Church
Day 7 – June 22nd: Stones of Stennes
Day 8 – June 23rd: Closing ceremony and flight home
The 12 Ascension Energies speak of this mission:
We look forward to the integration of the masculine and feminine energies of this world as a profound tool for peacemaking. We understand the deepening rift between ignorance and enlightenment growing around the planet. At the heart of this celestial being is the magnificence of the Soul of the World to whom respect must be paid. This is a journey of deep awakening, an experience of the power of unconditional love that is limitless in its reach. Born of the necessity created by the fragility of this planet, we request your committed presence and deep faithfulness as you explore the power of your own hearts to inform your mind and train your body for enlightened living. The true presence of the Soul of the Earth will be revealed through reverence, compassion, and healing. Empowered nurturing will become a living spiritual practice. It is our desire to love humanity beyond its egoic imprisonment until a profound relationship between this civilization and the planet which it calls home is established. Thank you for considering our invitation.
This experience is not a retreat. It is a deep spiritual journey with profound implications for the wellbeing of our world. It is not a vacation. Life-changing in scope, it will be emotionally, mentally, and spiritually demanding and deeply rewarding! The experience includes 6 monthly video calls before the trip and 2 after we return to our homes. All are individually prepared so that our collective presence is ready to embark on the mission before us.
The fee for the sacred experience is between $2200.00 and $2400.00 depending on the costs of ground transportation. Flights, accommodations, and meals are not included. We will be researching lodging options for the entire group once we know how many will be attending. Attention is being paid to what will make this sacred experience comfortable and seamless.
A deposit of $500.00 is due by January 15th to confirm your attendance. Our first video call is on Friday, January 24th at 7:30 pm. Please call Ilona at 973-822-5042 or text 862-823-6141 to register or for more information.
Humanity is once again at a nexus of evolutionary change without a clear set of guidance or navigation tools to move through these challenging times. Between the pandemic, climate change, war, and negative economic forecasts we have all felt uncomfortable, unsure, and unsettled about the future. However, there is a reality deep within each of us that knows peace, has abundance, and that can maneuver through any dark and scary territory. The power of the soul that lies within each of us is the fuel to create a life of fulfillment and love that serves the well-being of all. Ilona Anne Hress guides us into this journey of the soul, offering a series of insights, exercises, meditations, and activities to chart a course beyond the chaos, destruction, and disruption of the past three years into hope, acceptance, and love.
This book is a beacon of light through the fear, isolation, and powerlessness we have all experienced, encouraging exploration of the unconditional love of self that will enable unconditional love of others, leading to a sense of oneness that uplifts humanity. It is a self-discovery of what is possible and will meet the reader in their own human experience and illuminate new pathways no matter where they are in their personal journey. Ilona pulls the soul of readers into a state of reflection that transcends our third-dimensional world providing an internal guidance system to experience joy in the midst of chaos. It is a spiritual adventure into the most profound aspects of ourselves and the most expansive parts that lie within us to discover.
The adventure this book takes you on frees you from the negativity of the past so you can anchor into the presence of your soul and create a new future no matter what stage or level of personal development you are experiencing.
Order your copy on Amazon.
I am so excited to offer this tool to all willing to heal our civilization and our world. If you would like to participate in a book club to fully experience this material, please text me at 862-923-6141. A guide is available for those who choose to host their own. You can text me about that too! Enjoy this powerful journey into deep soul awareness!
Join the Shine the Light
Ascension Training Program on
Every Wednesday at 7:15 pm, EST, we collaborate with the Cosmic Light Collective to support the evolution of humanity and the entire planet. Soul-aware, soul-inspired, and soul-empowered we are committed to living the enlightened lives that promote a civilization of peace devoted to serving life as we encounter it. Ours is a personal and collective journey as we individually receive messages in each transmission that support our healing, awakening, understanding, and commitment to serve.
To participate in this training program please become a Shine The Light Ascension Community Member. The number for the teleconference will be provided through Those who become Soul-embodying Human Being members for $50.00 a month. also receive a 15% discount on private transcendent healing sessions, angelic massages, Bach Flower Essence consultations, and crystal consultations as a courtesy for supporting human transformation and planetary ascension. They also receive bonus information regarding the auric field upgrades we are constantly experiencing. A catalog of all the transmissions since March 2020 is being created so that you can easily access a meditation or message you need to hear again or to utilize repeatedly. There is also an Evolutionary Explorer membership level for $10.00 a month to access the calls. Your support at both levels is critical in allowing me to offer this evolutionary opportunity to those seeking to soul-embody and love our planet back into health. To register click here:
Spend a Week with The Angels Using Angelic Crystal Healing
Online Course
Discover the minerals that connect you with the angelic kingdom.
Develop communication and collaboration with the angels in your life.
Experience the healing power of the angels in your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, memories, and physical body.
Create environmental grids to continuously welcome angelic assistance in your life, relationships, careers, and living spaces.
Absorb music designed by the angels to connect you to the presence and powerful support they are offering.
The best way to experience your emerging relationships with the angelic kingdom is to make time to get to know each other. In spending one entire week devoted to experiencing the power, majesty, generosity, unconditional love, and sense of humor these celestial beings radiate, your life will forever be changed. Five minerals that radiate angelic frequencies will be your guide and bridge to the angelic realms. Before beginning your online course, you will need to gather these angelic minerals from your collection or purchase them. For seven days these minerals will introduce you to many multi-dimensional angels devoted to your wellbeing as you are guided through meditations, activities, and music to intimately interact. At the end of the week, you create an angelic environmental grid through which the angelic relationships that you established continue to flourish and deepen. It is my pleasure to offer you this self-guided experience of the presence and power of the angels in your life.
For more details and testimonials visit Spend a Week with The Angels
For the best experience, use Acrobat Reader to open the course and to access the music. Using other pdf readers may not access the sound files.
Fee for the course: $35.00.
Purchase the course
Fee for the Small Angelic Stone Kit: $50.00 | |
Fee for the Large Angelic Stone Kit: $100.00 |
Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energies for Enlightened Relationships
Paul Newell, host of the Men Talk About podcast, shares information and concepts from Civilized Power: Masculine and Feminine Communion to make it more relevant to your everyday experience of relationships. He highlights just a few techniques from the article along with lots of other insightful information. If you are intrigued, you will find the rest of the article empowering, awakening, and hopeful.