Supporting Well Being
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for June 26th, 2020
We now live in a world full of masks and gloves. You would think that our ability to see each other would be impeded. Yet, that is not the case. Pre covid-19, our focus was primarily on the busyness of our lives, the deadlines, social commitments, and work stresses. Acceleration and accumulation took precedence over connection. Significant family relationships still topped the list of priorities, but an understanding of the issues and wounds of the family of humankind often didn’t make it even to an issue of concern. There were, and always are, those who serve our civilization when most of us remain ignorant, complacent, or committed to arrogance. They are no longer enough. So much of our civilization is wounded and bleeding and if we look away, the blood will eventually bathe our feet whether we want it to or not. Indeed, the great mourning that is occurring in the United States and throughout the world for all those killed in police brutality cases takes us deep into the broken hearts, minds, and wills of African Americans, Native Americans, and those immigrants who fear for their lives in host countries all over the world.
The question of, “To who do I belong?” has plagued humanity throughout history. When we look outside of ourselves for the answer, conflicts ensue, allegiances prevail, wars rage. There is no answer that will appease the ego but there is an experience that will nullify its influence. Unconditional love breaks through human defenses by disarming the mind and creating room for rational hearts to guide intelligent beliefs, thoughts, and actions. You are spiritual beings living in organic machines and you change your machine lifetime after lifetime. Your only lasting experience of “home” comes through the power and presence of your individual Soul, which contains the memories of all of these lives, and the collective consciousness of the Soul of Humanity to which you have been contributing for hundreds to thousands of years. It is the Soul of Humanity that is reaching out to bring you home, to make you aware of just how powerfully you belong to each other simply because you are a collective expression of human existence. Every difference and distinction holds wisdom and an opportunity to learn from each other to become more and better with each other. Memory was not meant to become the weapon it is now being used as. As a vast storehouse of human experience, memory was created to be your greatest teacher, providing opportunities to care for and serve each other in wondrous and intriguing ways born of the lessons of human history.
Every one of you are making memories in this pandemic, memories that will be shared with those who persevere for thousands of years to come. The stories that will be told of you will not be the same as the stories that chronicle the rise and fall of the many proud civilizations that brought you to this moment of human history. You have exhausted playing all the old self-destructive roles. The story of right and wrong, victim and perpetrator, has become so old that it is literally tearing your lives apart. No, the memories to be made these days are from those who share the experiences of transcendent loving, who embrace the ability to move beyond the memories, to honor the lives of those lost by changing the way life is lived. Only the Soul can provide the fuel, the courage, the determination, the insight, and the creativity required to accept that you belong to each other by your human birthright. Created from the same life-force you are now being given the opportunity to settle deeply into the spiritual bonds that through this global crises can become your saving grace.
The journey to Soul embodiment has begun, for that is where you will all experience the belonging that you have been searching for. For peace to dwell within and among you, you must transcend the limitations of justice and embrace the experience of service. These are the days when the word, “enemy” begins to fade from the vocabulary of humanity. Although challenging, you are beginning to ask the question: “How can I support the well being of another, according to how the other understands and experiences well being?” This is the language of the Soul speaking and as you practice using this enlightened communication, you will indeed experience collective well being on a planet that is healthy and loved.
To hear more from the Cosmic Light Collective on the June 17th call please listen to:
Here is a simple affirmation to help you stay focused on letting your Soul work through you:
I am walking into Light.
I am a living torch of Peace.
As this message came through I was overcome with hope. We who are choosing love over fear can and will make the evolutionary leaps necessary for the beautiful children, living all around the world, to feel safely cared for by an entire civilization devoted to their well being. I believe in us. I hope you do too. Talk to you next week.
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for June 26th, 2020