Ilona’s weekly emails posted to her blogs

Ascension Symptoms Monitor for Jan 20, 2021

Soul-empowered individuals can listen to the stories of those who are hurt, angry, enraged, and terrified without being triggered.  The compassionate intelligence that their souls offer guides them into understanding how the ego of the person to whom they are present, is making life difficult or even torturous. 

Staying Calm
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for Jan 12, 2021

Our nation was shocked to its core as the Capitol Building was breached and our elected officials faced death to uphold our democracy.  In their dedication to our nation, we are moving forward by honoring our Constitution and respecting the powerful voice of the citizenry.

Ascension Symptoms Monitor for Jan 4, 2021

It is wondrous to witness personal history in the making and to chart the evolution of a singular life from birth to death.  What made that individual act in a pivotal moment?  How did this person make the connections that built a family, business, or career? 

Ascension Symptoms Monitor for Dec 29, 2020

As we wait for 2021 to arrive, we can approach the waiting that is in store for us this coming year with anticipatory joy.  We can embrace the fifth-dimensional opportunities present to us as the power of unconditional loving creates great goodness at home and all around the world.

Ascension Symptoms Monitor for Dec 15, 2020

Understanding increases our capacity to love, our ability to heal, and motivates us to engage in life-affirming change.  When we choose to stand under a relationship, situation, or environment we seek to create a foundation, built through communication and awareness, that allows all to thrive.

Ascension Symptoms Monitor for Dec 2, 2020

Devotion is the presence and purpose of love in action. It is persevering and goes whatever distance is required to make sure that the experience of unconditionally loving becomes real.  It is not so much a prayer, as it is a profound experience of service.

Ascension Symptoms Monitor for Nov 24, 2020

This year grief and relief are visitors at the Thanksgiving table.  So much has happened because Covid-19 has and continues to change the way we live.  What hasn’t changed is how much we need each other to move through these challenges with grace and stamina.

Ascension Symptoms Monitor for Nov 18, 2020

In the unfolding aftermath of the election, it is clear that our nation is evolving as do each of us every day of our lives.   Whether we choose to consciously participate in our evolution or simply let change happen to us makes the difference between those who feel purposeful and fulfilled and those who feel dismissed and used. 

Ascension Symptoms Monitor for Nov 14, 2020

When connection takes the place of conflict we will be well on our way to healing the long-standing and short-term wounds of this nation.  But for now, if we can just step back from the derision and chaos long enough to calm down, we can gain new perspectives that offer insight, comfort, and deep awareness.

Ascension Symptoms Monitor for Nov 10, 2020

In the week leading up to the election, we asked the Cosmic Light Collective to help us understand what is happening in our country.  Our love for our neighbor, this beautiful land, and the value of democracy lives deep within us.