Ilona’s weekly emails posted to her blogs

Shine the Light Ascension Training March 24, 2021

Welcome to the first of many lessons provided by the Cosmic Light Collective to guide us in recognizing, embracing, and embodying the Soul of Humanity.  Peace on Earth is a work in progress.  It requires the courage, confidence, and compassionate intelligence that soul-aware and soul-empowered individuals radiate.

Ascension Symptoms Monitor for March 24, 2021

The Cosmic Light Collective describes 2021 as a magical year of change.  They encourage us to embrace the wonders to be found, engage in the adventures that are unfolding, and welcome the joy that is to be created as we live more soul-aware and soul-empowered lives.

Ascension Symptoms Monitor for March 15, 2021

Respect is not a gift.  It is the birthright of a soul-embodied being.  It comes with the territory of incarnating into a form that your soul respected enough to put you in.  How magnificent is that? 

The Shine the Light Ascension Training Program
Become a Member of the Shine the Light Ascension Community

During the pandemic, the Cosmic Light Collective has created an intense training program that promotes the evolution of humanity while supporting planetary transformation.

The Shine the Light Ascension Training Program
Become a Member of the Shine the Light Ascension Community

During the pandemic, the Cosmic Light Collective has created an intense training program that promotes the evolution of humanity while supporting planetary transformation.

Keeping the Pace
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for March 1, 2021

Soon a year will have passed since the coronavirus forced us into social distancing and changed the way we live.  Our response to this viral invader was to energetically serve, responding to the consequences that the virus has created for the entire world in partnership with the Cosmic Light Collective.

Ascension Symptoms Monitor for Feb 18, 2021

Vision is soul-inspired.  It provides the creative motivation required to express the greatest expansion within the kindest generosity offered to all expressions of life on the planet.  Offering an understanding of how unconditional loving operates, vision supports technological progress that is in harmony with natural rhythms and resources.

Ascension Symptoms Monitor for Feb 12, 2021

Fortitude is the answer to distress because it has the power, grit, and resilience to stay the course in uncomfortable situations that are transitions into new ways of being.  Fortitude makes it possible to tolerate discomfort, vulnerability, and inconvenience so that you can relax into the endurance that evolutionary development demands with grace, hope, and wisdom.

Ascension Symptoms Monitor for Feb 2, 2021

To shine light in the darkness, to educate the ignorant, and to provide a vision for those who have gone spiritually, mentally, and emotionally blind, endurance is a profound necessity for clearing out the muck and mire of a difficult, destructive, and demoralizing past.

Ascension Symptoms Monitor for Jan 27, 2021

Compassion is a powerful tool for healing because it never runs away from what is difficult and who is hurting.  Compassionate individuals accept the problems they encounter and work through trying situations, relationships, and environments to create solutions.