Cascading Emotion
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for December 1, 2019

Photo by didin emelu on UnsplashThe holidays are always filled with emotion and this year that is an understatement.  If you feel like you have been walking into and out of waterfalls of emotion throughout this Thanksgiving weekend, consider yourself bathed in divine energy in motion.  All the honesty that we have been practicing inside of ourselves and with others creates beauty.  Here is how it works.  Becoming honest means that we consciously choose the see, hear, and understand the truth as we can comprehend it.  Honesty leads us to the purity of thought, word, and deed because we understand what is needed and why.  This purity guides us into the divinity of our Souls where all our possibilities reside.  A pure heart, mind, and body then create from the cleanest and finest Soul energies and when those intentional energies are placed into motion, beauty emerges.  Whether beauty appears in words, actions, songs, or visual images does not matter.  That it is being created with purity, honesty, integrity, and reverence for life makes an impactful difference.  When our relationships and environments vibrate with hope in action, life becomes beautiful and we feel grateful to be part of the wonder.  Gratitude and beauty are some of our best friends. Together they touch our hearts, expand our minds, empower our bodies, and fuel our belief in each other and in the Creator who gave us this life to experience.

This entire holiday season we can bask in the beauty we create by cascading those we love and those we have yet to meet with pure open-hearted understanding, respect, and appreciation.  Through our soul empowerment, we can truly honor the unfolding journey of those who cross our path. We can experience beautiful days because we are creating unconditionally loving lives together.  When you let your Soul guide how you are using your minutes and hours you will be surprised by who you spend your time with and what you end up doing.  Everything important will get done and what was unnecessary will be stunningly clear.  Now isn’t that beautiful?