Breath of the Soul
This melody is a gift from the Pleiadian Star System to support humanity’s physical ascension. The lyrics are Pleiadian light language that stimulates the awakening of the fifth dimensional soul star chakra for humanity. The Pleiadians were one of many star systems that seeded the human race on Earth.

Eee Aah Taye – An Ascension Mantra
This mantra activates or intensifies the ascension process of soul-embodiment. A gift from the Sirian star system at the Summer Solstice in 2016, this frequency awakens the higher expressions of each of the five subtle bodies, and in particular, awakens the fifth dimensional higher heart chakra.

I Hear the Voice of God
This melody and these lyrics came through on Mt. Shasta, CA during the Wesak Festival in 2004. Up on the mountain, a group of lovely individuals choosing to work with me, had trekked through to the precise spot where large rocks created a perfect transmission and reception station

Lo and Behold
When you listen to this frequency you will be embraced by the angels and archangels supporting you on your evolutionary journey. Whether you feel the touch of feathers, the presence of peace, or a lifting of your spirit, these angels are lovingly serving you by providing an experience of grace.

Peace Be Upon You
Peace seems to be so elusive for the third dimensional human being because it is. Living in the fear, loss, and separation of daily life is a constant challenge to coherence, much less contentment. Our egos have been living on overdrive to protect us from what they perceive as harmful, even if that means each other.

Soar the Skies
My friend Helen recorded this early morning avian symphony in her back yard. As I was listening, the message the birds were sending to humanity started to emerge from my lips.

Song of the New Earth
This frequency came through in 2012 to support the ascension of the Earth into her fifth dimensional nature. The music draws you into an experience of the unity that exists in the fifth dimensional experience of living.

The Path
This musical meditation connects you to the benevolence, support, nurturing, encouragement, and protection of Mother Father Earth. These frequencies will introduce you to the shamanic tradition and easily take you on a shamanic journey whether it be your first, or your one thousandth journey.

The Truth
An enlightened civilization of peace is populated by soul-embodied human beings who have risen above third dimensional fear and drama to collaboratively create in abundant harmony. This is where humanity is going and a significant step on the path to enlightenment is comprehending what truth is, for whom, when, and why.

We Heal Each Other
This frequency generates a fifth dimensional field of healing in which all aspects of your auric field can release toxic debris through the presence of supportive, tender, compassionate, and forgiving energies.

You Are Meditation
During one session at the recording studio, the Divine Feminine appeared in all her majesty and dynamic power. She sang as a mother, lover, nurturer, protector, healer, guide, and teacher.