“We Heal Each Other” from Breath of the Soul by Ilona Anne Hress


We need each other.
We need each other.
We need each other.
We need each other.

We heal each other.
We heal each other.
We heal each other.
We heal each other.

We feel each other.
We feel each other.
We feel each other.
We feel each other.

We hold each other.
We hold each other.
We hold each other.
We hold each other.


Vocal:  Ilona Anne Hress
Tingshas:  Helen Clear
Soundscape:  Clive Smith


This frequency generates a fifth dimensional field of healing in which all aspects of your auric field can release toxic debris through the presence of supportive, tender, compassionate, and forgiving energies. The “we” relates not only to other people, but also to the masculine and feminine energies within each of us. Our primary wound is usually found within the relationship we have with both sides of our selves. When we can embrace the gift of another, especially when we find ourselves challenged to believe, become, and respect more than ever, then unconditional loving becomes an experience, not a dream. Healing, of necessity, follows.


You can use this song as a healing tool when in conflict with someone you love, especially an intimate partner or even an open and aware teenager. Simply sit comfortably facing each other, and look into each other’s eyes as the song plays. Allow your eyes to speak. If you feel drawn to hold each other’s hands that is fine. Just refrain from speaking. Let the frequencies create a respectful connection, removing judgment from the relationship and creating space for understanding and forgiveness. Wait at least one minute before conversing with each other. You are speaking within the healing vortex in which you both reside.


As the song plays imagine yourself being encompassed by a swirling blue-green energy rising from the Earth. It begins to caress your entire energy field and works its way into your physical body. Feel these fifth dimensional healing energies massaging away discomfort and softening hardness and pain. As they move through the left side, allow your feminine energy to be heard, respected, and comforted. As they move up the right side, allow your masculine energy to be heard, respected, and comforted. Feel the blue-green healing rays penetrating the hurt in your heart and the disappointment in your solar plexus. Imagine sparkles of lavender light descending around you and finding their way into the most painful places, thoughts, feelings, memories, and images. As they sparkle into position, allow them to infuse you with the power to change and transform so your resistance to healing dissolves. Stay in this frequency for as long as you need after the song ends.

Crystalline Assistance:

Chrysocolla, Apatite, Variscite, Dioptase, and Green Garnet, will facilitate the absorption of the healing field into your aura. Each will work on one of your subtle bodies to help your entire field to move into greater coherence.
Lavender Jade, Auralite 23, and Lavender Fluorite will support your capacity to not only release disease and clear confusion, but also to transform negativity into positive energies that can bring about lasting behavioral change.

Through this music the Heavens touch all living upon
the Earth with love, grace, strength, hope, joy, and peace. May the breath of your Soul always be upon your lips.
— Ilona Anne Hress