“Song of the New Earth” from Breath of the Soul by Ilona Anne Hress
On a large sheet of paper make a rough sketch of the Earth, or you can even copy a picture of the Earth and glue it onto the paper. Then you will need either heart stickers, or a heart stamper and an ink pad, or tiny hearts cuts out of paper and ready to be glued. There are so many parts of our world that are in trouble. Whether through climate change, war, financial decline, or civil unrest so many species are struggling, so many are requesting support, so many are screaming for attention, or dying because they have been denied assistance. Humanity is just one of those species. As the song plays open your heart and send love to wherever you are drawn to on your picture of the Earth. Paste your hearts, place your stickers, stamp away and let the Earth and all who live upon her feel your love, your concern, and your prayers. Visualize the healing occurring, the peace descending, the abundance growing, and the harmony emerging. You can place this heart infused picture of the Earth in a location that will remind you to send love every day to your beautiful planetary home.
Sit in a comfortable position and connect to your 5D Soul Star beneath your feet. Then feel a beam of your white Soul’s light connecting to the core of the planet. You will feel spirals of aqua light rising up and around from Mother Earth. Then golden spirals will follow from Father Earth. Allow these spirals to surround you, support you, and nurture you. Gently breathe these aqua and golden frequencies into your lungs. Feel them flowing into your heart and through your bloodstream into every cell in your body. As you are infused with the unconditional loving, support, and nurturing from Mother Father Earth allow yourself to connect to her kingdoms of nature within you. Feel the aqua and gold blessing the minerals in your body, the nutrients from the plant kingdom that support your wellbeing, the nutrients from the animal kingdom that keep you alive, and the elements of water and air that support your life-force. Feel the kaleidoscope of life on Earth alive within your own body and consciously embrace the oneness to which you belong, and of which you are a part. You are of the Earth.
Crystalline Assistance
Mica, Fushcite, Star Mica, and Lepidolite with mica are happy, hopeful stones that help you to see beyond limitations to reach for wholeness. Because they lift you out of the doldrums, you are freed to find balance and create harmony.