The Light of Creation calls you to participate in saving your world. It is yours to protect, defend, uphold, heal, nurture, and celebrate. Although much celestial assistance is at hand, it is through your physical presence that the changes required to support the kingdoms of nature will occur. We are depending upon your courage and perseverance as we collaborate in attending to a planetary body in crisis. Together, we will radiate and infuse the environments and ecosystems that currently require intensive care with the frequencies necessary for balance, harmony, and eventually healing. Do not underestimate the importance of the small decisions you make in your daily lives to affect planetary outcomes. The more kindness you show to all life on Earth, the more kindness will be reflected in the ways in which the planet responds to your requests. The degree to which your choices are in integrity with the planet’s health will determine the degree to which you will experience health in your own mind, heart, and body. There is no separation between you and your planet because you were made from the planet’s resources. And so, in threatening your world, you are threatening each other’s lives. We understand the power of your loving and the strength of your commitment to serve the Soul of Humanity. Your contributions are essential, especially now, as the coronavirus continues to remind you of your responsibility to care for each other and the planet which is your home. We respect your presence in our collaborations and honor your contributions as we collectively care for the Earth and all life upon her.
Current Ascension Symptoms:

Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash
The ascension symptoms that have been present for the last few weeks are some of the scariest to be experienced yet. Tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, painful heartburn, literal heart ache, and neck issues are causing us to step back, relax, breathe deeply, and take stock of how love is living within and flowing through us. As the Clear Light of Creation manifests in and on our planet, our capacity to love is dramatically growing, stressing our heart and lungs in the process. Our physical bodies are trying to accommodate very high frequencies and encountering some difficulties. Because the expansion relates to our ability to unconditionally love, it is the organs in the chest cavity that are having the most issues with absorbing the Clear Light into our cellular structure. By the end of January, our bodies will have better adapted to this brilliant crystalline energy allowing us to unconditionally love with greater ease. Until then, be vigilant about these symptoms to ensure that you are not having a heart attack or coronavirus symptoms requiring hospitalization. If your symptoms follow the natural progression of the disease, seek medical attention immediately. It is very important to anchor into your Soul Star and feel the power of your Soul keeping you safe and helping you to successfully navigate the challenges ahead. Bach’s Rescue Remedy is an excellent tool to use whenever you are feeling anxious, along with carrying a pink tourmaline (also known as rubellite) in your left pocket or in a pendant over your heart. If you are lucky enough to have a piece of purple anhydrite, it can be one of your best friends for the next two months. Choose to focus on something or someone who brings you joy every day. Settle into that joy and send loving appreciation out into the world.
January’s Mantra:
I am collaborating with the heavens to save the Earth.
Inspirational Music:
Mother/Father/Earth received and performed by Ilona Anne Hress with Clive Smith on her recording, Love Is On The Move.
Mother/Father/Earth you are my home.
Mother/Father/Earth you are my home.
How I love you! How much you give!
Every day upon you I live.
I kneel to your wondrous love.
I kneel to your strength.
I kneel to your honoring the life force from above.
Mother/Father/Earth you are my home.
Mother/Father/Earth you are home to me.
I kneel before you. I kneel upon you.
Oh! You are the parents of my Soul.
Oh! You are the parents of my Soul.
I kneel upon you reverently.
Crystalline Assistance:

Morganite encourages unconditional loving.
The stones for this month encourage and promote our ability to unconditionally love. They infuse us with the Pink Ray of intelligent loving and the magenta energies of the sixth-dimensional heart. Some harder than others, these pink stones encourage us to embrace the power of our loving along with tender compassion. Infusing us with dynamic creativity, these minerals serve to deeply connect us to the frequencies of the Divine Feminine. Love moves, flows and promotes change and so these minerals push our hearts to open, our minds to be thoughtful and considerate, and our behaviors to be kind. Additionally, these stones are beautiful, some even radiant in the hues in which they express themselves. They remind us of the beauty to be created when we unconditionally love.
Combining an environmental grid with stones for personal use are the best way to engage the minerals for January. Mix pink stones together with clear quartz points in a grid to expand the experience of unconditional loving in your homes and work areas. For families, pick one stone to represent each member and position them in a circular formation with a quartz point in the middle. Place the family grid in the room where the family spends the most time. Pendants that sit over the heart chakra are the easiest ways to support your heart and lungs. You can also carry pink stones in both left and right pockets to feel safe and supported. Sleeping with one of these minerals by your bed or under your pillow will allow love to melt any resistance you may have towards loving others. Enjoy the beauty that you can create with the infusions, guidance, and support that these stones offer.

Kunzite keeps you rooted in your Soul’s love for you regardless of the circumstances you find yourself.
Here are the minerals for January:
Pink/Magenta: Morganite, Cobaltoan Calcite, Rose Quartz, Pink Mangano Calcite, Rubellite, Pink Chalcedony, Tremolite, Pink Opal, Pink Garnet, Pink Calcite, Pink Smithsonite, Ruby, Pink Vesuvianite, Pink Lemurian Quartz Points, Pink Nirvana Quartz, Pink Danburite, Pink Kunzite, Rhodocrosite
Planetary Activation:
Breathe in a deep magenta energy into your chest cavity. As you continue to inhale the magenta energy visualize a magenta rose beginning to bloom. Become aware of the brilliant luminescent magenta rose that is emanating rays of unconditional loving through your heart and out the middle of your back. Allow the rose to expand beyond your chest cavity and fill up your auric bubble with magenta frequencies. Listen to the tones that your rose is emanating. Hear its voice. Listen to its message to you as you float in the support and strength of unconditional loving.
The message that you have just received is important to you and the Earth. Please focus your attention upon a rose bush in the center of the planet. As you grow in awareness you recognize that this plant is unhealthy, and the buds are struggling to survive. Listen to the tones this rose bush is emanating. What is it asking for? Place your attention upon one of the buds and send beams of magenta energy towards it. Send compassion on the beam and move the magenta energy from the bud, down the stem. Continuing to send compassion become aware of the magenta energy seeping into the roots of the rose bush, and the love anchoring the bush deep within the Earth. Continue this process until you become aware of the entire rose bush enveloped in the magenta frequencies and beginning to vibrate. Once the vibrations begin, you will notice debris, darkness, and negativity seeping out of the plant from the roots to the buds. The detoxification has begun. Join in the frequencies to support the freeing of the life-force of this planetary rose bush.

Credit: Laurie Bain, creator, http://www.primalpainter.etsy.com
We call forth an explosion of Lavender Light to neutralize all the negativity released from the rose bush. The environment in which the rose bush is growing is now being cleared, restoring the purity of the unconditional love through which these roses bloom. The vibrations cease. Become aware of the fragility of this rose bush, and as you do so, contribute to the establishment of a Lavender Light fence surrounding the plant to protect it from all destructive forces. Visualize the Lavender Light rising from the fence posts to create a dome of protection above the bush. Do likewise with the Lavender Light penetrating the Earth below the fence posts and completing a sphere of protection around the plant. Within this field of protection, we ask that you place a hope, a wish, an intention for healing into the roots of the plant, nurturing the rose bush with hope that others will honor its life-force and come to its aid.
Gently now call the beam of magenta energy back to your auric field and then contract the magenta rose back into your chest cavity. Breathe deeply of the unconditional loving alive within you and within the Earth. Keep watch. Thank you.
Questions for Reflection:
- How do you express your gratitude to the planet for supporting you and your loved ones?
- What inconveniences have you already embraced to help the planet to heal? How has the change affected you?
- What organizations or nonprofits are you supporting that promote sustainability to reduce climate change? How did you make your choice?
- If you had a magic wand to heal the planet what would you immediately do? Why?
Upcoming Events:
New Moon Planetary Activation Dates for 2021
Here is a message from the Cosmic Light Collective about what 2021 will bring:
Radiant grace is your teacher and companion as you navigate the twists and turns of 2021. Your growing soul-awareness will be reflected in how your choices change your behaviors. Your ability to attend to the issues and relationships with which you are confronted will emerge from a compassionate intelligence that is willing to embrace the unknown rather than run from it. Opportunities to experience unconditional loving will emerge as the planet continues to heal, throwing the population into a physical reality that they, as of yet are unwilling to accept. Moments of joy will be matched by moments of defeat as the ego continues to surrender to the mastery of the Soul. This journey into surrender lays the foundation for the collaborative creativity to be experienced late into the year. Through many spiritual tests, personal lessons, and soul assignments 2021 will be known as one of the greatest years of evolutionary development for the entire civilization. We are with you on this journey and offer ourselves as guides for your enlightenment.
For 2021 we will continue to meet online at 7:30 pm on these Friday nights:
Jan. 15th
June 11th
Nov. 5th
Feb. 12th
July 9th
Dec. 3rd
March 12th
August 6th
April 9th
Sept. 10th
May 7th
Oct. 8th
When the pandemic ceases, I look forward to being with all you in person and celebrating what we have learned and how we have grown.
Spend a Week with The Angels Online Course
Discover the minerals that connect you with the angelic kingdom.
Develop communication and collaboration with the angels in your life.
Experience the healing power of the angels in your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, memories, and physical body.
Create environmental grids to continuously welcome angelic assistance in your life, relationships, careers, and living spaces.
Absorb music designed by the angels to connect you to the presence and powerful support they are offering.
The best way to experience your emerging relationships with the angelic kingdom is to make time to get to know each other. In spending one entire week devoted to experiencing the power, majesty, generosity, unconditional love, and sense of humor these celestial beings radiate, your life will forever be changed. Five minerals that radiate angelic frequencies will be your guide and bridge to the angelic realms. Before beginning your online course, you will need to gather these angelic minerals from your collection or purchase them. For seven days these minerals will introduce you to many multi-dimensional angels devoted to your wellbeing as you are guided through meditations, activities, and music to intimately interact. At the end of the week, you create an angelic environmental grid through which the angelic relationships that you established continue to flourish and deepen. It is my pleasure to offer you this self-guided experience of the presence and power of the angels in your life. For more details visit http://livingenlightenedrelationships.com/downloads/angelic-crystal-healing-course
Fee for the course: $35.00.
Fee for the Small Angelic Stone Kit: $50.00. Fee for the Large Angelic Stone Kit: $100.00
A Message From the Cosmic Light Collective – YouTube Videos
To make the information from the Cosmic Light Collective more accessible to the public, Paul Newell has begun posting some transmissions from our Shine the Light calls on my YouTube channel under Ilona Anne Hress. Please pass this on to those you know who would appreciate this information. Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/Ilona Anne Hress
SHINE THE LIGHT Teleconferences
Wednesdays from 7:15 pm to 8:30 pm, 339-209-6632
On our weekly Wednesday calls, we are engaged in multi-dimensional planetary healing. I invite your participation as our Earth enters multiple healing crises around the globe. We follow the healing energies to where they are most needed and energetically support those receiving it. We are doing all we can to honor and bless Mother/Father/Earth through her evolutionary journey to wellbeing. We are also encouraging creative collaboration among and between all peoples to stop the destruction of the natural world that has been perpetuated. Channeled messages are coming through to answer the questions we are asking, and the celestial responses are illuminating and inspiring. It takes all of us to let the planet know that she is not alone in her pain. Thank you in advance for joining us and thank you for all the work you are doing to support the planet in whatever way you feel called to.
Your donations are blessings that generate great good for many. Thank You!