“Peace Be Upon You” from Breath of the Soul by Ilona Anne Hress
If you have insomnia, you may want to put this on a loop and play it to help you get to sleep. You can also do the same thing if you have a child who has nightmares. If you are in an emotional crisis, you can play this repeatedly until you calm down. If you put on one pound ankle weights while listening, you will calm down faster. The weights draw your attention away from the mental conflict and pull you into your physical awareness where you can begin to relax.
Find a comfortable place to lay down and imagine that you are floating on a lavender ocean. Feel yourself completely supported by this buoyant ocean and breathe in the lavender scents surrounding you. As the song plays release your stresses, concerns, and anxieties into the lavender ocean. Literally envision them pouring through your back and being absorbed by the lavender ocean to be transformed into positive energy. Let go, relax, and now visualize a gentle burgundy rain descending upon you. It feels warm, tender, and peaceful. Feel it wrap around you like a warm blanket and then move through the pores of your skin into your body, filling all the places cleared of anxiety with peace. Relax into this peaceful space and let it support you.
Crystalline Assistance
Amethyst, Ametrine, Auralite 23, and Lavender Fluorite will support your journey into peace. Rhodonite will help you to calm down and garnet will ground that peaceful feeling into your body. You can place any combination of these stones at your feet while listening to the song. If you are playing the song to reduce insomnia, you can place an amethyst and lavender fluorite by the bed.