“I Hear the Voice of God” from Breath of the Soul by Ilona Anne Hress
Imagine that God, however you perceive Him, Her, or It, is sitting right next to you. You can share a cup of coffee, a soda, beer, or a glass of wine. Visualize listening to the song together and when it ends, literally have a conversation. You or God can start and let the rest unfold. Remember, you can hear the voice of God. It might just take some practice.
Visualize aqua and gold spirals of light rising up from the core of the Earth surrounding you with support, unconditional love, and protection. Consciously feel your connection to the Earth. Now focus on a magenta mist descending from the sky and bathing you in tenderness, comfort, joy, and hope. Breathe in the magenta mist and feel it awakening your Mouth-of-God chakra at the base of your brain at the back of your head. Let the magenta mist turn on your multi-dimensional communication system so that you can more easily hear the voice of God.
Crystalline Assistance
Cobaltoan Calcite to support the awakening of the Mouth of God chakra.
Angelite and Anhydrite to infuse you with peace and angelic support.
Pyrite to spiritualize your experience of physical life.