About Ilona
Enlightened Living
Enlightened Relationships
Gender Unity in 5D Relationships
Civilized Power: Masculine and Feminine Communion
Enlightened Relationships
Becoming Soul Empowered through your Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies
Differences Between 3D and 5D Relationships
Manifesting with Fifth Dimensional Frequencies
The Crystal Shift: Becoming the Crystalline Human
5D Auric Field
Upgrading the Subtle Bodies of the Auric Field into 5D Resonance
The Subtle Bodies of the Fifth Dimensional Auric Field
Newly Activated Chakras of the 5D Aqua Light Channel
The Fifth Dimensional Chakra Column
The 5D Auric Field
Mineral Assistance for the 5D Auric Field
The Higher Rays
Partnering with the Angels
Discovering Your Inner Angel
Introduction to RISE
Blown Away
The Divine Mother Is Here
Healing Flows
We Are Here
Be The Truth
Open Up
Hear Me Now
The Story of Miaku
Time To Trust
Once Upon A Time
Breath of the Soul
Introduction to Breath of the Soul
Breath of the Soul
Eee Aah Taye – An Ascension Mantra
I Hear the Voice of God
Lo and Behold
Peace Be Upon You
Soar the Skies
Song of the New Earth
The Path
The Truth
We Heal Each Other
You Are Meditation
Love is on the Move
Introduction to Love Is On The Move
Love Is On The Move
Holding Hands
Whole and Complete
I Really Wanna Love Somebody
Bright Baby
Lullaby of the New Earth
Surely In This Moment
Love Is Everywhere
The Fairies Share Their Day
Wide Awake
Your Heart
Arise For Love
Crystal Healing
Listening To Your Quartz Crystals
Crystals for the Adventurous Explorer
Crystals for Authenticity and Self-Esteem
Crystals for Caregiving and Self-Love
Crystals for Contentment and Happy Relationships
Crystals for Stability and Self-Awareness
Crystals for the Traumatized and Suffering
Crystals to Help You Achieve Your Goals
Crystals to Organize Your Life
Why A Crystal Can Help Your Personality Shine
Crystal Companions for Children
Ilona’s References for Stone Healing and Crystal Therapies
How To Use Your Crystals for Healing
Mineral Assistance for the 5D Auric Field
Mineral Jewelry for Healing and Rejuvenation
Stones for Freedom, Pleasure, and Change
Stones for Innovation, Creative Collaboration, and Success
Stones for Stability and Balance
Stones of Purpose, Presence, and Purity
Stones of Strength, Integrity, and Healing
Stones to Encourage, Protect, and Rest
Stones to Energize and Transform Your Life
Stones to See the Truth and Follow Your Path
Environmental Grids
Pandemic Support Stones
The Soul Empowerment Stone Grid
The Fearlessly Faithful Seventh Dimensional Stone Grid through Ilona Anne Hress
The Sixth Dimensional Harmonic Grid
The Angelic Assistance Team
Collaborating with the Mineral Kingdom of the Earth in Your Home,
on Your Property, and in Your Office
How To Build Stone Grids to Manifest New Realities
How to Use the Platonic Solids for Personal Growth
The Fifth Dimensional Awakening Stone Grid
New Moon Planetary Activations, current and archived
New Emerging Realities New Moon Planetary Activation for May 2021
Fluid Creativity New Moon Planetary Activation for April 2021
Transitional Tools New Moon Planetary Activation for March 2021
Conscious Evolution New Moon Planetary Activation for February 2021
Saving Our World New Moon Planetary Activation for January 2021
Spiritual Boot Camp New Moon Planetary Activation for December 2020
Honesty New Moon Planetary Activation for November 2020
Patience and Preparation New Moon Planetary Activation for October 2020
Dramatic Change New Moon Planetary Activation for September 2020
Peace New Moon Planetary Activation for August 2020
Honor the Present New Moon Planetary Activation for July 2020
Sacred Places New Moon Planetary Activation for June 2020
Your Soul Has Your Back New Moon Planetary Activation for May 2020
The Filter of Unconditional Love New Moon Planetary Activation for April 2020
Live Recording of New Moon Planetary Activations
Abundance is Flowing
Building New Realities: A Profound Gift from the Heavens
Freeing the Past
Honesty and Courage
On The Move
Soulful Beauty Live Recording- Free Purchase
All 6 Activation Recordings
Activations Sales
The Crystallization of the 5D Auric Field Activation
Discovering Your Inner Angel
Evolutionary Exercises
Introducing Spend a Week with The Angels Online Course
The 5D Subtle Body Commitment Process
The Evolution of the 3D Ego Exercise
The Golden Grid Video
Clearing Genetic Restrictions and Limitations to Graceful Abundance
Healing of the 3D Hurt Heart Exercise
Products & Services
Transcendent Healing
Angelic Massage
Bach Flower Essence Session
What’s Your Crystal Personality?
House Geodes: Home and Office Gridding
Crystal Healing Consultation
Customized Wedding Ceremonies
Earth Grids with the Aqua Spiral, Lavender Fountain & the 5D soul-embodied human being 3
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