The Shine the Light Ascension Training Program
Become a Member of the Shine the Light Ascension Community
It takes all of us, each in our own ways, to come together to save a planet and a civilization that is so worthy of the Light of Creation. That’s what we are here for, to save the Soul of Humanity and this beautiful celestial being. And, in the process, to provide a lesson for Creation itself about what it means to love in the face of fear.
The Cosmic Light Collective
During the pandemic, the Cosmic Light Collective has created an intense training program that promotes the evolution of humanity while supporting planetary transformation. The importance of this collective process is significant, and we have been experiencing the benefits every week. The Cosmic Light Collective note that it is through the momentum that is being created by the soul-aware and soul-empowered that others considering soul-embodiment will be drawn to their own evolution. They liken soul-embodiment to an intoxicating melody that draws you in and has you humming. For those who recognize that their egos have been torturing them, soul-embodiment will become a valid option. The more their awareness of the mental and emotional torture grows, the greater their willingness to listen to the song of their soul. Their ability to choose inner peace over pretense will create a wave of enlightened activity that will change the way future social engagements develop.
By committing to and participating in this ascension training program you will notice that:
Difficult interactions with others will not emotionally, mentally, or spiritually trigger internal negative reactions.
Unconditional loving will come easily to you, and kindness and generosity will naturally flow through you.
Your boundaries will be clear and strong in the face of egotistical activity.
You will learn to identify and comprehend the lessons that your soul is presenting to you in real time. When your soul confronts you with issues or concerns, you will begin to embrace the opportunities instead of running away from them.
You will learn how to multi-dimensionally work with and through your body. Throughout the process you will be able to identify an ascension symptom from a physical disease and understand how to effectively treat whatever is in distress.
Using your higher soul’s vision, you will learn to perceive the purposes and reasons for the situations, relationships, and environments in which you find yourself. Understanding the bigger picture, your capacity to relax into and make decisions about the role or roles you are being asked to fulfill will grow. Your clarity regarding the importance of the part you are playing will help you to make effective decisions about what you require to be successful in those roles.
The foundation of fear upon which humanity was born is crumbling on the Earth. In its place we are collectively building a foundation of unconditional loving. Everything about the energetic modalities the Cosmic Light Collective are presenting comes down to new and various ways to love. The soul encourages and motivates the progress of the whole through each other in its unifying and uplifting trajectory. The shifts that occur through ascension communities are greater and happen more quickly because of the multi-dimensional collaborative activity that ensues. Leaders who have mastered skills in one area become followers of others who have mastered skills in another arena. The continuity of experiences that unfold in ascension communities allow you to show up for each other in the best ways possible so that outcomes can be shared by all.
This training program develops your higher sense perception at a rate that you can easily tolerate so that your progress is consistent. By gently developing your higher sense perception, you can consistently expand your skills. Opening the many chakras that awaken and deepen your clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience is necessary to prepare you for the forms of telepathic communication that will be essential in the future, especially when life on Earth may become more difficult.
Our ascension community will begin to link with the hundreds of thousands all over the world to further the momentum being created. We encourage every community to increase their strength and build stability so that they can keep up the rigorous pace required for us to triumphantly arrive at 2032 as a soul-embodying human race. Collectively we will motivate, inspire, and uplift each other keeping our commitment focused upon the realization of an emerging civilization of peace. We function with the awareness that we can trust each other and our multi-dimensional ascension communities to handle any concern and come out thriving.
The Cosmic Light Collective is also experiencing this ascension training program with us. This assignment is stretching, pulling, challenging, and confronting them at levels they have rarely seen. They are growing greatly as they help us to embody our souls and save our world. We are evolving together by showing up with and for each other knowing that we are all worth the efforts being put forth. They encourage us to be open, generous, and kind through all the changes to come and thank us for our commitment and support.
The Shine the Light Ascension Community Membership
Our weekly Wednesday night calls are the core of our ascension training program and will continue to be free of charge as long as we are under the influence of the pandemic. If you desire the weekly write-ups of what we are being taught and a copy of the recording, the fee will be $50.00 a month. Your membership includes a 15% discount on private transcendent healing sessions, angelic massages, Bach Flow Essence consultations, and crystal consultations as a courtesy to all who are supporting human transformation and planetary ascension. A catalog of all the topics we have already experienced will also be included so that you can easily access a meditation or message that you need to hear again or to utilize repeatedly. Your support is critical in allowing me to offer this evolutionary opportunity to all who are seeking to soul-embody and love our planet back into health.
The program will officially begin on Wednesday, April 7th.
Registration details will be coming shortly, including three months, six months, and yearly memberships. Thank you for participating in transforming ourselves and our world.
We know that you experience moments of unconditional love, true peace, and soulful awareness every week. That you are more than your mind and heart. That you are all of that within a soul that is huge, interesting, expansive, wondrous, intelligent, adventurous, and kind. This is who you truly are. How could we not love you, being such as you are?
The Cosmic Light Collective