Ascension Symptoms Monitor for Dec 29, 2020
We have spent a great deal of time waiting in 2020. From waiting in line at the grocery stores, the food banks, and the testing sites, to waiting for the internet to connect to Zoom calls, business videoconferences, and virtual school, to waiting for unemployment benefits to be approved and the monies to be deposited into bank accounts, to the agonizing quarantining, waiting for Covid-19 test results and for those who have been hospitalized, waiting for treatment outcomes or the death of a loved one, the coronavirus has made the experience of waiting very powerful. What we choose to do with that power determines whether we live in hope or dread. The Cosmic Light Collective offers us the opportunity to experience waiting as a strategy for success if we allow ourselves to optimize our resources with intelligent soul-awareness. They stress that waiting is not meant to make our lives difficult. Rather, it allows us to open up to possibilities that we cannot control so that greater evolutionary possibilities emerge in which we can collectively thrive.
As we wait for 2021 to arrive, we can approach the waiting that is in store for us this coming year with anticipatory joy. We can embrace the fifth-dimensional opportunities present to us as the power of unconditional loving creates great goodness at home and all around the world. We can honor all the soulful activity occurring in the waiting so that all aspects of a situation, environment, relationship, or resource are fully in place to deliver success with positive impact. When waiting becomes a strategy for success, we will optimize all of our resources with intelligent awareness so that all life on Earth thrives.
The Cosmic Light Collective described waiting as a living opportunity to take advantage of how life is changing and move through it. To reach any goal, education, training, and self-awareness are necessary. Working through college, trade school, apprenticeships, and starting businesses all require that you work through the waiting, preparing, growing, practicing, exploring, and becoming that which you choose to be. There are no limitations or restrictions during the waiting because you have not yet settled into the responsibility of your realized hopes, dreams, and goals. Waiting gives you the flexibility to try things out, to become responsive to the way that the power of unconditional love can flow through you. You become very creative in the waiting as you consider options and try them out. When you engage your Soul’s guidance to strategize, optimize, and recognize possibilities far beyond your ego’s comprehension, excitement begins to bubble up into and through your life, no matter how hard it may feel at any particular moment.
For those who are soul-aware and soul-empowered, waiting is all about faith in action. Faith is never a static experience because it moves us, shifts our perspective, and changes our behavior. Instead of digging into our fears and trying to control that which is beyond us, faith makes us confront the questions that we do not ask when we are preoccupied with responsibilities. In particular, faith creates within us the freedom to explore to what, to whom, and how we are actually responsible. The Cosmic Light Collective asks us, “How do you responsibly wait? In that responsibility, how do you collaboratively create with your own Soul to strategize, optimize, and recognize your future?”
According to the Cosmic Light Collective, waiting is not so much about slowing down as it is about understanding divine timing. In the third dimension, waiting can be painful. In the fifth dimension, divine timing is always occurring offering auric expansion and personal contentment as life unfolds only when all the aspects are ready to play their part. Divine timing is a profound experience of waiting where majesty meets manifestation. Our souls have a much broader understanding of the connections that must be made so that our lives and the lives of all around us are impacted in the most useful way. The Cosmic Light Collective stresses that divine timing will reveal itself in small and large ways throughout 2021. They encourage us to engage in small acts of courage that will lead to moments of majestic manifestation in divine timing. They note that humanity’s greatest act of collective courage will be to surrender into the waiting and learn what it is teaching us so that we can release what we no longer need to recognize what is truly valuable and necessary. Life, post-Covid-19, will be different because it has to be. This virus offers us an opportunity to engage in profound healing, collaboratively create peace, and make hope real, if we work through the waiting with new plans capable of manifesting majesty for all life on Earth ready to be deployed.
Learning how to wait makes us stronger, more aware, and empowered because we learn how to control ourselves. We grow to understand the pathways to success that only self-control makes available to us. By engaging the power of our souls, we choose to be faithfully prepared to embrace the majestic manifestation that we are collaboratively creating. We trust that our souls are preparing wonderful, beautiful, and powerful realities for us because we are loved and treasured. For us, faith is a living experience of support through which we are inspired and invigorated, even in the most difficult circumstances. All the celestial assistance we require is already here, waiting for us to engage them in our journey of majestic manifestation.
The latest celestial gift that humanity has received is The Clear Light of Creation. At the Winter Solstice, it began it’s twelve-year assignment to dissolve ignorance and arrogance from the human experience. To access it, place yourself in the middle of a crystalline clear octahedron. There’s a four-sided pyramid above your waist and a four-sided pyramid below your waist. Visualize a filament of Clear Light rising from the center of the planet and filling the faces and edges of the octahedron in which you are centered. Once the edges are vibrating with brilliant crystalline clear light, become aware of this energy moving into your auric field within the octahedron. Set it spinning counterclockwise to release blocks and inhibitions. Spin it clockwise to infuse your field with crystalline clear light. Still the spin and enjoy the illumination. Visualize the Clear Light returning to the faces and edges of the octahedron, finding its way down to the apex and the lower pyramid, and then traveling down the filament as it detaches from your octahedron and returns to the center of the planet. Allow your octahedron to collapse into a smaller diamond configuration and become aware of it settling inside your heart. You can activate it whenever you choose. The Clear Light is here for you to manifest majesty in divine timing for the highest good of all.
Ascension Symptoms Monitor for Dec 29, 2020