Ascension Symptoms Monitor for Oct 7, 2020

When I discussed the importance of addressing past life issues last week, I had no idea how serious this process would become.  For me, it caused cold sweats, take your breath away, physical pain.  I certainly hope you have not had to experience this, but I would not be surprised if some kind of pain got your attention.  Third-dimensional human beings really do know how to suffer and are good at it.  As we move into the fifth dimension, suffering dissolves in the support and understanding that unconditional love provides.  We are all living in the crossroads of these two perspectives and are being asked to choose the future course of our lives.  However, it isn’t just you in 2020 that is being asked that question.  There may be hundreds of yous, the incarnations of your Soul, standing at the same crossroads in their realities, and having to make the same choices about their futures.  In this case, I got to meet two of my incarnations having trouble making their decisions, still caught in deep emotional turmoil.  With lots of assistance, I was able to figure out how to help my selves through a very complicated and profound process while in great physical pain.  I am suggesting that you reach out to get the help you need from the professionals you trust to guide you through this profound opportunity of complete Soul healing.  October offers us a unique window of opportunity that will lead us to celebrate an All Souls Day that will be unlike any other.