How To Build Stone Grids to Manifest New Realities

Minerals have voices. Their unique electromagnetic signatures can be likened to a stone language that radiates from them and reaches out into the environments in which they live.

Stones to See the Truth and Follow Your Path

[layerslider id=”stones-to-see-truth-and-follow-your-path”] It is often hard to see the good, the true, and the beautiful when it is either hidden from sight or buried under mounds of beliefs, memories, and emotions.   This is when the sulphide family of minerals can be very helpful. Born of the toxic gas hydrogen sulphide, emerging from volcanic explosions […]

Stones to Energize and Transform Your Life

When you need to complete a project or get a job done, you need a stone that has the power to move you.  Minerals that contain oxygen energize you just as the air you breathe energies your body.

Stones to Encourage, Protect, and Rest

If you have ever wore a cast, you have had the pleasure of wearing a sulphate. The gypsum in your cast helped to protect your bone or bones while they healed. The sulphate family of minerals encourage persistence and solidify progress that you have worked hard to achieve.

Stones of Strength, Integrity, and Healing

[layerslider id=”stones-of-strength-integrity-healing”] Sometimes we need an explosion to break through our defenses so that we can finally heal.  At other times we need the courage to build strong foundations of personal integrity that will not crumble in the face of challenge or conflict.  In both cases, the silicate minerals come to our aid.  Comprised of […]

Stones of Purpose, Presence, and Purity

[layerslider id=”purpose-presence-purity”] Did you ever wonder why royalty wear gold crowns? Have you been seduced by the glitter of gold and the financial power it wields for humanity?  If so, you are experiencing the power of the natural elements on the planet.  This family of minerals is small because these stones are composed or the […]

Stones for Stability and Balance

Do you suffer mood swings? Is it hard to stay positive? Do your energy levels plummet or summit throughout a typical day? If your answer is yes to any or all three questions, the phosphate family of minerals may come to your assistance.

Stones for Innovation, Creative Collaboration, and Success

All life evolves making change an essential element of living. How we change and what we choose to create requires imagination, flexibility, and innovation. The carbonate family of minerals knows how to bubble up ideas. Consisting of a carbonate salt and one or more metallic elements, these stones assist in life transitions.

Stones for Freedom, Pleasure, and Change

Most of us acquire things, relationships, locations, memories, and beliefs as we live our lives. The older we get, the more we carry around, and that includes everything from the weight in our bodies to the disappointments in our hopes and dreams. When it’s time to clean out and clean up, the halide family of minerals is very helpful.

How To Use Your Crystals for Healing

Stone healing is literally a treatment modality. Knowing how to use stones when, where, and how makes them effective, efficient, and competent companions on your journey to wholeness and wellbeing. As with all treatment modalities there are protocols for optimal use and basic techniques that encourage success. For example, in physical therapy you exercise, in […]